How to increase body resistance power

We need to take care of our health from microorganisms and infections. To do so our body has an inbuilt protective system i.e. the immune system. Our body gets sick when it loses the strength to fight invaders. In that time we have to look for options to increase the power of the body. We show you how to increase that strength in the following points.

how to increase immunity resistance power

Use healthy methods to increase resistance power

We have to quit bad habits such as smoking and abused drinking. It is good to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Smoking is very dangerous as it causes cancer, stroke, lung diseases, and heart diseases. Passive smoking is also dangerous instead of active smoking. Hence, we need to avoid smokes whenever possible. For smokers, there are many methods to leave this bad habit. Nicotine Replacement Therapy and many rehab centers will help you to quit smoking. Abusive alcohol drinking is another concerning factor for a weak immune system. Drinking is considered safe if it consumes at a limited level but at a high level, it becomes toxic in your body. Abusive drinking causes damage to the liver. And, we know that liver is important to expel harmful substances. Therefore, if the liver is damaged, we

would sail into hepatitis, jaundice, and liver cirrhosis. Other chemical addictions like opioids, cannabis, cocaine, bring dangerous effects on health. One can understand when the person has become addicted to these chemicals. A person using such addictions will feel cravings for a particular thing. The person

becomes isolated from the friend circle or family. Sometimes, people become addicted to some drugs due to their health issues. These patients feel good as their diseases are cured but at the same time, they become addicted due to prolonged treatment. They deny requests, and important suggestions frequently. So, in such conditions, we cannot blame those persons for addictions. We need different approaches and mentality to treat various types of addictions.

Eat booster food for your immune system

Prefer foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals to enhance the resistance power. Antioxidants are important to reduce the amounts of free radicals made by cells. Kidney beans or Rajma, Barley, strawberries, broccoli, spinach, and dark chocolate are highly rich in antioxidants. Preventing our body from free radicals, make us live longer. It gives additional power to our immune system. Some vitamins like vitamin C and E and minerals copper (Cu), selenium (Se), and zinc (Zn) are good antioxidants.

Fruits and vegetables have adequate amounts of vitamins, and minerals; therefore, these would have effective antioxidants too. Lack of sufficient quantities of vitamins causes various diseases. We need vitamin A for proper maintenance of bones and keeping eyes healthy. Vitamin D is essential for bone growth as it helps the body to absorb calcium from food. Other than antioxidant properties, vitamin C is important to fight infections while vitamin E is essential for cells to absorb vitamin A. Another vitamin,

K is required to prevent the blood from clotting and bleeding in infants. Besides vitamins, our body needs many minerals for proper health. The major minerals are sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, and magnesium. These are very important for the body and needed in high amounts. That is why they called major minerals. The body needs a small amount of some additional minerals, which are iron, zinc, selenium, chromium, iodine, manganese, fluoride, molybdenum, copper, nickel, vanadium, silicon, and cobalt. These are called trace minerals. Whether it is major or minor minerals, the immune system needs all of them.

Supplements for daily needs

In present fast and hectic schedules, our diet lacks many essential nutrients. It is due to the absence of fruits and vegetables in our diet. Vitamins, enzymes, minerals, herbs, amino acids, and antioxidants are necessarily added to meet daily requirements. Lacking these important contents may cause deficiencies in the body. For example, lacking vitamin A reduces eyesight, causes blindness. Vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy, pain in muscles and joints. Vitamin D deficiency causes rickets and makes bones porous. Lack of minerals causes diarrhea, muscle cramping, constipation, numbness, etc. Hence, supplements become important to take daily. MarcCure has listed many ayurvedic supplements on its website. Andox Plus is one of these. It contains a good combination of essential vitamins and minerals that our diet may lack.

Stress and immunity power

In any situation, one must avoid prolonged stress. It is ok to take stress for a limited time. Little stress is beneficial for better growth. But, if the stress continues for a long time, our body may fill with illnesses. Modern days are full of stressful events. Work pressure, loneliness, pollution, adherence to connectivity, the demand for money, and poor health are major sources of weak mental ability. During stress, our body works beyond its limits, which causes negative effects on health. Stress increases heart rate and blood cholesterol level and decreases digestion. Increased blood cholesterol, puts pressure on the heart to pump more blood. It causes arteries and veins to compensate for blood delivery beyond their limits. This situation may lead to heart diseases or even stroke. Using phones and the internet, people’s communication is enhanced enormously but these pull side effects too. Everyone can contact anyone. Sometimes we need to pick up calls even we don’t want that. This causes stress in our lives. Work pressure is a continuous flow in our lives. We cannot ignore that completely. It enhances strains and hence reduces the body’s resistance power. It is found through some reports that people living with family or enjoying their life with friends have less risk of occurring diseases. Loneliness brings people to work extensively with a lack of social interaction. Pollution is another key element to provoke stress. Some reports prove that air pollution puts stress on children and youths. And, if a person is already stressed, air pollution can increase its bad effects. The adverse impacts of stresses become so dangerous that it can impel a person to take suicide. To cope up with these effects on health, we advised getting some help from professionals (Psychiatrists or stress management experts). To remove stress in daily routine, perform exercises regularly. Use masks to reduce the effect of air pollution. Inside a home or office, use an air purifier to overcome these effects. Aerobic exercises and yoga are beneficial in removing stress.

Adequate sleep and exercises help in Immune System

Only sleeping is not important but quality sleeping is more important. Many people don’t sleep continuously throughout their sleeping time. Drinking and consuming nicotine late at night, problematic beds, prolong use of smartphones, tablets, pc, etc, are some factors about why people don’t get enough and quality sleep. Every day, a person should have to sleep and wake up at a definite time. Most important, don’t take tension if a routine is not followed because avoiding stress is the most important get better sleep. Don’t drink coffee or tea late at night; it helps in naps or waking but not in sleep. Avoid large meals before going to bed. Adults are required to sleep daily for 7 to 9 hours while children and teenagers need more. Elders (above 65) also required to sleep at least 7 to 8 hours. Regular exercise is key to increase the resistance power of the body. Due to exercises, microorganisms from the lungs are expelled outside the body. Exercises increase body temperature for a period of time; it causes many bacteria and other microorganisms to be killed. High intensity and extensive exercises can reduce the body’s immune system. Therefore, moderate exercise even some aerobic exercises are beneficial for improving resistance power. You can do brisk walking, hiking, dancing, cycling, and many more physical activities regularly. Even, 10 minutes of exercise is sufficient to fresh your mood. Hence, do exercise regularly and take good sleep to boost up your body.


  1. very nice article. good work keep it up. waiting for next article.


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